1985 Jaguar XJ6    Work done November 2009   Here is a Parts Catalog for Jaguars the 1st part is splash then come the diagrams.. Awesome!!PDF

This section is 1985 Jaguar XJ6 remove and rebuild rear brake calipers.

They seem to be leaking brake fluid. And it turns out need to be rebuilt.

Getting them off is more work than I had thought.

Here are MY instructions for the next guy (so to say):
Raise the rear of the car and put it on stands or ramps. The wheels stay on and are not affected by this work.
Put blocks around front of the front tires, so the car is immobile.
Get under the car with a 15mm box wrench (to hold the nuts) and a 15mm air or socket wrench.
(picture - white is calipers. red is tie plate bolts)
Take the plate off under the axle, I think its called a tie plate. 8 bolts and 6 bolts with nuts. Set it aside.
Find the 2 Calipers, use a 1/4" tube wrench to loosen and undo the metal brake line from each caliper. These are the lines that meet in a T at the center above the axle. (not the lines that run across the top of the calipers)
Use a screwdriver to push the 2 springs off the Emergency brake cable, push the cable out the side on the DS, and pull it back thru on the PS.
I used a pair of pliers to get it to turn a bit before it would slide out.
I used needle nosed pliers to remove the wire from the 2 bolts holding the calipers.
  (Area circled is lower bolt, see the wire?)(arrow points to upper bolt loosened)

Use a 5/8" or **mm wrench to unscrew the 2 bolts. You wont be able to remove them. HA you wont be able to turn them but less than 1/4 turn at a time so plan on working on this for a while.  The lower bolt head is tough to get a wrench on, I used a open end wrench, and also was able to get a very thin sided 5/8" on it to break it free. I used a screw driver blade to turn it once it was loose (use the holes that the wire went thru)
Now the caliper is loose, it can rotate a bit around the disk. It seems that it could almost come out, LOL  NOT

Here is a video of where the DS caliper is unbolted but still not free to come out.

Use a small flat screwdriver to flatten the metal tab from the 2 bolts on top of the caliper. Yes those are the bolts just below the crossover metal brake line. (picture points out bolts) Then use a 11mm socket to loosen the bolts (really pins) . Rotate the entire assembly up to give you clearance to remove the 2 bolts (pins).
Catch the retainer on the side of your face as it falls off.
Lift the emergency brake assembly up to separate it from the caliper.
Now rotate the caliper up and pull the bottom out first then it should just drop out. Pull out the emergency brake assembly.
(cleaned up)


Many thanks to Triangle for assistance and fast service of parts.  They know their stuff.

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